Back from bricking

Just spent a really cool week up the coast from Sydney, a lovely place called North Arm Cove near Port Stephen. Lived in a two story beachhouse with a really nice australian couple, and took part in the wwoof program.

I’ll write more later and post pics, but basically I did all kinds of manual labour, from operating all kinds of petrol powered gardening machines to building brick walls and shovelling gravel! Hardcore! Have to say, it made a nice change from making websites πŸ™‚

Now I’m back in Sydney again for a bit to meet up with some friends who will be in town, and also to see if i stay here and rent and work or just take off again!

Some stuff i picked up on:
David Suzuki
Env Dimming


4 responses to “Back from bricking”

  1. I’m sure you said a blog was a better way of keeping in touch than mass emails cos mass emails just tortured those back at home. Well lemme tell you something: IT ISN’T TRUE. In fact, those Flickr pics just make it all that much worse!

    Glad you’re enjoying yourself of course! Have you met up with Francesca yet? I’d love to see a more recent pic of the little monster..uh…son πŸ™‚

  2. Somehow I can’t picture you and huge farm implements!!! Seriously cool that you’re having so much fun – seriously jealous this side though – looking through my pitch dark Investis office window – yarrgh!

    Enjoy and keep those pics coming, Brave Explorer πŸ™‚

  3. Ah well, you try to please people….

    I have seen mamma Ford and little Jude, very cute he is too, we spent a day walking around the park swatting flies (they are bad)..excellent!

    Will get some pics up soon, promise (have to get the laptop and so on)

    Miss everyone, meeting some cool people but feeling the lack of the daily investis banter


  4. I’m sure our comments will keep you up to date! Special gossip is sure to come after the Xmas party on the 15th of december hehe