Syd Kyd

Yeah, they tell me to stay away but here I am again!! Byron Bay was awesome, altho I can tell all of you that the weather was half sunny half crappy rain!! Not sure whats up with that?! I’ll post a few photos soon, including some from my surfing camp!

Yeh so my days went like this:

Wake up (between 8 and 10:30)
Eat brekky
GO surf
Eat lunch
Eat dinner
Goto Cheeky Monkeys+drink
(Post midnight) Go grab some coffee and go home when I realise everyone is below 20

The last two points prob kept occurring because I was sharing with 3 Dutch fellers in their teens, great fun but I was def the daddy of the operation.

Yeh Byron is a good place for beginners to surf, the waves are pretty mellow on the most part, but there are spots where it gets gnarlier and if you go to Lennox Head you can almost do big waves!! (Needless to say I didn’t do that yet, my name aint Laird). We also had some excellent local knowledge from our local Rip Curl guy Fletch, a really chilled out dude with a camper van full of surf boards and mellow vibes.

The only change was yesterday whenI decided to go and dive the Julian Rocks marine reserve, which was really amazing. I saw a big grey nurse shark swim about 2 metres in front of me, which was truly a heart stopping moment, I was in total awe of the creature. I also clocked a really chilled out giant turtle just cruising by (just like “Finding Nemo”), a giant Ray of some sort, and about a million other fish all around the area (something to do with the fact that cold and warm ocean currents meet at this point). It was really good fun, I think I might just get back into Diving again. I can recommend SunDive in Byron Bay wholeheartedly.

Anyway, I am back here in Sydney and now must find an appartment suitable to my needs for the next month or two, I hope to get some contracting done (Hey Alvise, wanna send me some stuff? 😉 from here and abroad before I try to go travelling again.

I also noticed that my last batch of photos got reduced really badly, I will re-upload those suckers as soon as…