I hate cockroaches. Especially huge-pumped-up-been takin steroids down the gym-ones. Just as I was enjoying a quiet moment downloading the latest Ricky Gervais podcast, the ugly critter appeared from nowhere and proceeded to scuttle it’s way around my room. After I realised it wasn’t going to just piss off I reached for the industrial-strength bug spray, but it took at least ten rounds of gassing before the little f###er even started twitchin’.
Perhaps my xenophobia was heightened by the fact that I watched the Directors’ cut of Alien last night…
I leave you with a Pearl Jam classic:
Pearl Jam
All these…
I got bugs
I got bugs in my room
Bugs in my bed
Bugs in my ears
Their eggs in my head
Bugs in my pockets
Bugs in my shoes
Bugs in the way I feel about you
Bugs on my window
Trying to get in
They don’t go nowhere
Waiting, waiting…
Bugs on my ceiling
Crowded the floor
Standing, sitting, kneeling…
A few block the door
And now the question’s:
Do I kill them?
Become their friend?
Do I eat them?
Raw or well done?
Do I trick them?
I don’t think they’re that dumb
Do I join them?
Looks like that’s the one
I got bugs on my skin
Tickle my nausea I let it happen again
They’re always takin’ over
I see they surround me, I see…
See them deciding my fate
Oh, that which was once…was once up to me…
Now it’s too late
I got bugs in my room…one on one
That’s when I had a chance
I’ll just stop now
I’ll become naked and with the…
I’ll become one
6 responses to “I got bugs…”
Have you been getting enough sleep?? The one thing I hated about that bit of the world is that all the bugs are super-sized: bigger, fatter, creepier-looking. Forget the sprays, nothing bar a nuclear blast can kill those f*ckers!
yak-taalla ne kuolisi pakkasessa-on kylma ihan tosissaan nyt ja luntakin tuli!!
That is EXACTLY what I said when I saw that freakin’ massive BUG on Ville’s blog, Merja.
— if not THREE exclamation marks.
Jesus Christ, Ville. What the hell are you trying to do us?
I’m just tryin to provoke reactions, and also share my freakouts with you 🙂
I’m thinking New Zealand will have less of these…
Hey Villster…I have a little present for you: