Bungee video!

My extreme bungee jump, video quality suffering for ease of download until I can compress it better!!


9 responses to “Bungee video!”

  1. I´m SOOO jealous of u for making that bungy jump!!!!!! /luv Anna from Sweden

  2. I wanna do it again, instead of working! 🙂

  3. Wouw- Im soooooo proud of you (looks scary thou)!!!!!!

  4. close ups of your face would have been nice as you plunged 😉

  5. Cool!!!!! Amazing, I’d love to do that.

    You tapping your hand on your leg gave away your nerves! :o)

  6. yeh, couldnt be helped really!

  7. Antoine Avatar

    You’re a crazy man! great video… love the hand tapping too.

  8. dwaas76 Avatar

    Yeah, that hand-tapping is v funny…is it me or were you looking a little bit pale too?? Heh…not surprising eh

  9. Hand tapping, hand tapping … You were scareeed! 🙂
    Who was shooting?