What’s that creaking sound?

HobbesIt’s me turning 32…eeek! Anyway, there it is, woke up and my cat was there to wish me a good day, the chillier weather made me think that I might be back in London, how strange. It’s times like these that make you think about comin back home! Still, I’m sure a few beers will smooth things over later, ciao.


10 responses to “What’s that creaking sound?”

  1. huomenta-
    happy birthday-again-called,will try again!!!! I wish you were here-could bake you a cake and lots of TLC !!!!

  2. Happy birthday my son! Have a few beers on me.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a great one tiger!

    ps. your old 🙂

  4. Joyeux anniversaire mon cher ami!
    Fait la fete ce soir comme les Aussies!

  5. beerz n pizzas consumed, all good, bisous a tous

  6. Happy birthday mate, saw this and thought of you. Dunno why, I guess we are crazy kinda guys.



  7. genius!

  8. Happy Birthday! (Too late, but better late then never?)
    Hope u had a great day!
    Luv Anna from Sweden

  9. Antoine Avatar

    Hansum’maaan! Happy B’day! (Better late than never as well ^^)

  10. dwaas76 Avatar

    Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag…wat ben je oud.

    See above for comments about lateness