Back in Sydney (again)

It’s actually nice being back in Sydney, this time I decided to stay on the North Shore, just next to the Harbour Bridge in Kirribili. Got my own room with pretty good breakfast, I’m really close to the shore, it’s great! I forgot how much more tropical Sydney feels, it’s def got that humidity in the air. I’ll post some pics from this side of the town before i go, the view looking from the bridge over to the opera house and the city is superb! Ah, if only I had money….

Met up with yet another friend from England, Ben, who is going to do basically what I did, come out and do some working and traveling and see how it goes! Of course I’m a little envious now, but I know its because now I’ve got a week left which is gonna go smoothly and i don’t have to think about finding a room to share and jobs here etc etc