The lost video diaries

I actually took some short video clips before I left, a month ago, and today as a real reminder of some of the key stages in my trip these past 8 months. So below we have todays wrap up, but there’s the 7 month clip, and the pre trip clip. Apologies for my formal video speaking mode, must be the ingrained public school boy in me appearing in interview situations. Sheesh. (anyway, these are more for me too look back on than anything else).


2 responses to “The lost video diaries”

  1. merja Avatar

    hei-its plus 25C in helsinki and pouring with rain in London!!! We are all looking forward having you back in this part of the world. Enjoy rest of the time over there!!!

  2. dwaas76 Avatar

    Aww..they’re adorable. Sorry, I mean they’re extremely cool of course..*ahem*. You definitely seem more chilled in the recent ones than in the pre-trip one 🙂