First week at home

So that’s the first working week at home done. So far, being in the software industry, it seems totally manageable to work remotely. People do it all the time! Just requires a little mindset shift and the necessary equipment and broadband. I worry for people that cannot do this, and salute our key workers.

I’ve played singles tennis today and yesterday morning, which has been great, and works well because it’s easy to keep distancing yourself. I imagine there will be less of it soon, so I’ll enjoy it while I can.

We also visited our local cafe at lunchtime on Friday, put in some mothers day orders, ate on our own table!

Today the Government announced that all pubs, restaurants and gyms are shutting.

Alternating between freaking out a little, and then just getting on with stuff. Today I’m finishing painting up our 1st floor ready, hopefully, for new carpets and to have a new home office and new room for my son. Bit more space, and we got our loft done just in time. It will help.

Apart from that, I’m more and more encouraged by the increasing levels of support and measure the Government is taking to really try to flatten the curve of the pandemic in the UK, and to support the economy and businesses. Hopefully the panic buying will calm down, and we’ll all stay sensible.

Home schooling starts this week for the kids.

It’s all going to be new.

The nice thing at the moment is seeing people talking to each other more, even at a distance, and looking out for each other. More of a feeling of togetherness.