Week 6 – Monday

Mondays are always a little hard to get into, but wow I’m feeling it today. Sluggish, tired, a little fed up. I realise that this is only natural.

The weather continues to be largely beautiful and warm, with eerily blue skies on most days in the past few weeks, which allows you to go outside into the garden or a nice walk or a little trip into a park with the kids for exercise.

However the sense of ennui is growing with the situation, even the usual over-the-fence drinks are slightly less jolly (but still fun).

The kids are really starting to suffer from not seeing their friends, doing online video calls helps but it’s not the same thing. Home schooling is becoming more and more a chore. Trying to let them play and not stress too much about getting it all done every day, it shouldn’t (and isn’t) expected.

Still, you need to keep track of the positive things that come from extra time time at home. You observe more, you appreciate more. Get little things done, and there’s no need to squeeze them in. Lots of time.

But gosh, we’ll need to break away soon, even in small ways. Hopefully some more easing of lockdown, without jeopardising the aim of flattening the curve.

Doing a lot of reflecting on the world before and now and after. It wasn’t really that great before, for so many people. It would be almost the biggest let down if we just went back to how things were. I don’t mean that the death toll is in any way acceptable. I just mean that if we went back to ruining the planet, accepting dire inequality in even the worlds richest economies, accepting sociopathic inept buffoons leading countries, growing fascism..etc etc..then we will have missed an opportunity.