Author: ville
When Numbers Miss the Magic: What ‘Big’ Can Teach Us About Product Design
The 1988 Tom Hanks film ‘Big’ offers a surprisingly contemporary caution about over-reliance on data when designing products.
Advertising meets UX
I’ve only just discovered Rory Sutherland but the points he makes are very relevant to the fields of UX and CX.
Why do websites still suck for reading?
I read a lot of books and I love a good newspaper. So why is it hard to love reading online?
A short tale about online banking and service design
A personal reflection on online banking versus using branches.
Production line hours versus deep expertise
Like many people, I have to fill in my timesheets. Clients and employers like to know how many hours have been spent working for them, and on what tasks, so they can sign off on invoicing and payroll.
Disconnect to connect
I think I try to cut back on social media at least once a year, but I always eventually fall back into the social media and news trap. But I’m giving it a go again. I’m doing it because those regular quick check ins and rants give an illusion of connection to other people and…
2 years of Covid-19
Today marks a year and a day since the United Kingdom imposed a lockdown due to the spread of Covid-19, a virus that was seen to be causing devastating numbers of deaths and hospitalisations across the world, in Europe and was taking effect in the UK.
Finger wagging
It’s easy to point fingers. You might even say it is natural human behaviour. So much easier to find fault in others, to shout angrily, to condemn and tut your way to feeling some kind of victory against all the bad things that regularly happen in the world.
First vaccine dose
I cycled this morning to get my first dose of the Astra Zeneca vaccine for Covid-19. I’m really impressed by the number of available centres and the way it has been organised, and I’m really happy to have done my bit.
History teaches us everything about pandemics
We are living through a major pandemic. Yesterday the UK ‘reflected’ on its 1 year anniversary of lockdown. This is fact, it’s not fiction. Wishing that it weren’t so changes nothing. I was thinking back to last spring when I would stare at people wearing masks on public transport, thinking “Oh that’s a bit much!”.…