Si si si, hehehehe
Yes, disappointing but sh*t happens! I think we may have to get used to the Latino style of “doing” things…nobody at the airport seemed to know exactly what we should do or where we should go, I even suspect that at least two of the airport staff has no actual clue as to where they were in…
Pumping no more
That’s right, I quit the gym today. I’ve been going less and less since New Year (I always like to oppose popular trends), and now that the weather is getting towards more summery conditions, I want to be outside more! I went once last week, and tonight I went again just to give it a…
An American perspective on terror
This is from an American friend of mine who went to work in Syria last year, but had to return following the attack on the US embassy in Damascus. She returned shaken but unharmed to the States. Lately she has been disturbed by the number of (negative) forwards she gets about Muslims in America, and…
Oh I’m-quite- sure
..the death star will be fully operational against your pitiful…little…band. Danny Bensi doing his Palpatine.
Competitive c**ts
What the hell is wrong with some people? Have they all been watching Balboa? Or is it something akin to road rage that I have been faced with recently, on my jogs along the delightful riverside from Vauxhall to Waterloo Bridge and back? My run was going rather well, I was pacing myself just enough…
halloween 06
I went to a fantastic Halloween party this weekend, unprepared for the level of dressing up that actually happened at the party – the call to costume was taken very seriously! Partly I blame this on the fact that usually when people in London say that a party is fancy dress, most of the blokes…
My room, sans Winnie and Piglet
My room, sans Winnie and Piglet, originally uploaded by chillfinn. Winnie the pooh, Winnie the pooh, what could I do, I didnt think the girls would like you. Toodle-loo.