
  • 1,2,3…Bungy!!

    Woah! I just jumped off the Nevis Highwire bungy jump in Queenstown, NZ, and let me tell you it was pretty amazing – 134m of freefall from a suspended station above a river gorge. The feeling of jumping off that platform is indescribable, one second you are shuffling towards the edge with your feet bound…

  • Sweet as, Bro!

    Hi all, got to Auckland safely and went up the northern-most tip of North Island to Cape Reinga, was really amazing already and I’m only just beginning! The country is rugged and beautifull, sometimes like a tropical Scotland. Tommorrow I start my big tour around NZ, expect silly amounts of pictures in a month or…

  • Blue Mountains

    So the day had finally come, I had bought a cheap rain jacket ($30) and a new baseball cap, my bags were packed and I was sitting in my favourite breakfast café in Newtown (Sydney) eating a “Canadian breakfast”-a big waffle with bacon, banana and maple syrup. It felt good; I had pretty much had…

  • Bye bye Sydney

    Botanical Gardens Well, the time has come, it’s been good hanging out here, but I’m also glad to be doing more travelling again. Off to the Blue Mountains tommorrow, staying with Dru’s family, then Saturday it’s time for New Zealand-I really can’t wait! My blogging might get a bit sparse next month, as I’m quite…

  • My work is done

    I haven’t just been lazing around you know…here’s a small site I designed and developed for some cool people!

  • I got bugs…

    I hate cockroaches. Especially huge-pumped-up-been takin steroids down the gym-ones. Just as I was enjoying a quiet moment downloading the latest Ricky Gervais podcast, the ugly critter appeared from nowhere and proceeded to scuttle it’s way around my room. After I realised it wasn’t going to just piss off I reached for the industrial-strength bug…

  • Hoff to divorce

    Ladies, good new, your prayers have been answered, the Hoff is back on the market. Did I mention that the Hoff was singing Xmas carrols here in Sydney? Probably because I shamefully missed it!

  • Omen

    That Preacher man from Oxford Street is here* Time to leave Sydney. *with his microphone assisted “God is Hip, sinners to winners” freestylin’

  • Pure genius

    Alien Loves Predator Check out the archives, this is the best comic I’ve seen in a long time.

  • Deterrent

    Mm, as I sit here in the appartment listening to the baby screaming, and the wife screaming even more, I reflect on how it’s a further reminder to be careful out there, unless you want a moody (Aussie*) wife and a screaming baby. Heheh. *In this case…

  • Partied out

    Just like Slurms Mackenzie, I’m all partied out..went on a big night out last night to a flat-warming party and then a club in Darling Harbour…it was great fun, although sunday has totally been wiped out by the aftermath..but since it was a bit of a party to see off the DD crew who are…

  • Ville goes Pro

    That’ right folks, couldn’t hold off anymore, upgraded to a Flickr Pro account, for only 15 quid you get to organise everything properly and upload as much as you want (well, pretty much). So now you can see all the older stuff too! (like Thailand and Corsica). And since I intend to move on soon…