Production line hours versus deep expertise
Like many people, I have to fill in my timesheets. Clients and employers like to know how many hours have been spent working for them, and on what tasks, so they can sign off on invoicing and payroll.
Disconnect to connect
I think I try to cut back on social media at least once a year, but I always eventually fall back into the social media and news trap. But I’m giving it a go again. I’m doing it because those regular quick check ins and rants give an illusion of connection to other people and…
Finger wagging
It’s easy to point fingers. You might even say it is natural human behaviour. So much easier to find fault in others, to shout angrily, to condemn and tut your way to feeling some kind of victory against all the bad things that regularly happen in the world.
New cat
After resisting for a few years, and then being at home all the time, we finally decided to fulfil our daughter’s dreams by getting a rescue cat. We wanted a pair but the demand is very high at the moment! Will post some some updates soon, but for now he is in the living room,…
The Magpie
One morning as I sat working on my laptop, suddenly there was a loud thud from the kitchen.
Working in digital
Do you remember when people first started talking about this new kind of industry you could get into: ‘New Media’, ‘Digital’, ‘Web Design’? I do!
An ode to information overload
I’ve just returned to work after 2 weeks of holiday. Before I left, I decided that I had had enough of being addicted to looking at the endless feed of information and hysteria on twitter. It’s one of many bad digital addictions, and it ruins my ability to concentrate.
Is this really happening?
Another morning, trying to fight down the sheer panic and disbelief. It’s like this has come out of nowhere.
The Village and the Haters
Once there was a village and in it lived many types of people from all over the land, the Mayor, a few rich merchants and a small group called the Haters.
Pink slime
You know Ghostbusters 2, where there’s all that pink slime and it’s making people really angry and mean? Social media and most popular media is that pink slime.
Economy Class on Pan Am 747 in the late 60’s
This encapsulates so much of what I think about how the world has changed for people. You can’t compare this to the experience you have nowadays in commercial air travel. [Sourced from @HistoryInPics]