
  • How to make a burger

    2 very minimalist approaches: (original source: http://kottke.org/13/09/the-ernest-hemingway-burger)

  • Papa’s got a brand new bag

    The old John Rocca was getting a bit too funky, upgraded to a nice Marimekko bag!

  • Weezer in 8-bit

    This is just awesome, any 30 somethings out there will remember trying to make some tunes on the C64 and the like…of course these songs are a little better than what I achieved. Link

  • Back from down South

    South America that is- Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru. 6 weeks of truly inspired travel, amazing sights, hairy bus rides, deadly rides….the blogging continued on another site…now I’m back, new flat, time to make money again…

  • Pumping no more

    That’s right, I quit the gym today. I’ve been going less and less since New Year (I always like to oppose popular trends), and now that the weather is getting towards more summery conditions, I want to be outside more! I went once last week, and tonight I went again just to give it a…

  • 33

    I am 33. I like the number, so I won’t complain about getting older this year! It is also the Atomic number for Arsenic, and Jesus’ age when he was crucified!