
  • Bungee video!

    My extreme bungee jump, video quality suffering for ease of download until I can compress it better!!

  • Email alerts

    Hey, how exciting, you can now subscribe to this blog! Now you need never miss another installment, oh you’re so lucky šŸ™‚ (Thanks to my cousin Samuli again for all the technical assistance on this!)

  • The low-down on New Zealand:North Island

    It was very hard for me to keep the blog up to date in New Zealand (which Iā€™m actually glad about), however I did write some things down on my low-tech blog (my Moleskine diary) and I should be able to recall at least some of the highlights, so here it is: the grand account…

  • The low-down on New Zealand:South Island

    Barrytown Baz-Vegas, what can I say, this was a tiny coastal town on the West coast, full of colourful locals. We stayed in a guest house that had its own bar, which is always a good thing. The bar was host to an indoor cricket match on the first night, and the 2nd night the…

  • Updates

    very soon….oh yes. But basically, I have started working for a cool little web agency here in Melbourne, getting my CSS brain cells jiggling again, and found a really cool flat with a cat and all that, except the hat.

  • No worries again

    Instead of “sweet as”. New Zealand was awesome, did not want to leave! Now I have just arrived in Melbourne, and had a really nice sunset last night as I was heading towards St Kildas beach, so i’ll take it as a good omen! Only thing is that I really don’t know where I am…