
  • Food Heaven

    Thai Heaven Oh my God, this was one of the best Pad Thais I have ever had…that includes being in Thailand. I think I have moved to food lovers heaven..

  • Surfs up, and new address

    I have finally escaped the hostelling world, and have moved to the extremely funky area of Newtown in Sydney! Feels great to sleep in your own room again, without people shuffling about all over the shop…and finally I can stop supporting the local internet cafes in town with my frequent visits πŸ™‚ Also, there are…

  • Syd Kyd

    Yeah, they tell me to stay away but here I am again!! Byron Bay was awesome, altho I can tell all of you that the weather was half sunny half crappy rain!! Not sure whats up with that?! I’ll post a few photos soon, including some from my surfing camp! Yeh so my days went…

  • Surfer Dude

    Yeah, I’m now officially heading towards being a surfer dude…5 days of surf camp, ridin some nice waves in, pretty stoked…shhheeeyhaaah. Will post some pics later of me riding them in. Surf camp was pretty awesome, met some really cool people (big group of Danes), and now I’m in Byron Bay watching all the cool…

  • The Aussie story so far…

    Okay, so I’ve managed to get my hands on my laptop again – therefore y’all get to see new photos and read my proper account of the journey so far. Got some pictures uploaded, story follows. So I arrived at Sydney airport, very tired around 6am on October 20th. So tired, in fact, that I…

  • Back from bricking

    Just spent a really cool week up the coast from Sydney, a lovely place called North Arm Cove near Port Stephen. Lived in a two story beachhouse with a really nice australian couple, and took part in the wwoof program. I’ll write more later and post pics, but basically I did all kinds of manual…