
  • Bye bye Kuala Lumpur

    Kuala Lumpur It’s been a blast, but alas, it is time to go! Luckily I am going on to Sydney 🙂 I’m gonna have good memories of this place, everything from the gorgeous island of Redang to the madness of Chinatown, the random Oktoberfesting, the local ex pat squad, even the Gurkhas that guard Melrose…

  • Oktoberfest in Kuala Lumpur

    Oktoberfest Yes, I never would have imagined that my first Oktoberfest experience would have been in South East Asia, but what the heck! There was German beer, sausages, authentic musical entertainment complete with Leiderhosen-sporting musicians, and even the chicken dance. Don’t ask. Just have a look at the pictures.

  • I live in Melrose place

    Yep, forgot to mention that, it’s really quite uncanny when you see it.

  • Paradise Island

    Da beach Went to Puland Redang for a few days, which is on the east coast of Malaysia near Kuala Terengganu, to find some sunshine! Awesome snorkelling and diving to be found there, pretty cheap too (less than 10 quid for a scuba dive!). And the beach…well… 🙂

  • KL from the appt

    KL from the appt

  • Sleepless in KL

    I can’t believe it, I still can’t get to sleep before 5am !! I did stuff during the day, I go out at night, but still I had to come back, watch bad TV and then Kill Bill2 before I felt even close to the land of nod. At least it lets me fiddle around…

  • KO’d in KL

    Yoo everyone, Hei Kaikki, quick post to say arrived In KL no problems, just dealing with major jet lag at the moment so sleeping during the day and drinking in the evening…hmm, not much has changed then. KL is a typical big Asian city, its all kinda hazy humid weather at the moment, and the…

  • Leaving London

  • A new beginning

    The first ever posting on my own blog…it’s so…exciting. Anyway- why?: Because I am quitting my job in London and flying off to the other side of the world, with no other plan than to change the status quo. My plan is non existent, but that makes it the greatest plan of all, it’s open…